A doctor by profession and beautiful by appearance, she is the winner of many pageants including “Mrs Pune 2019”, “Mrs India 2020”, and “Mrs Universe Australasia” in 2021.
NEW DELHI/SEOUL: Dr Prachiti Punde, the winner of the title “Woman Mrs Universe Tolerance” award for her extraordinary self-mastery & mindfulness syllabus, and also for her Social Work & Domestic Violence Forum Presentation at Mrs Universe in South Korea in 2022, will be joining the “70 Years of Korean History in India Golf Tournament” being organised in Gurugram on 23rd March. The “70 Years of Korean History in India Golf Tournament” 인도 한인 70주년 기념 골프대회, which is beiong organised to celebrate completion of 70 years of existence of Korean community, and success of Korean companies in India, would witness participation of Korean and India diplomats – ambassadors, bureaucrats, top corporate figures, industry captains, decision makers and intellectuals.

“It’s a matter of pride for me to reconnect with South Korea again and join the commemorative 70 Years of Korean History in India Golf Tournament being organised in Gurugram by Asian Community News (ACN) Network and the Federation of Korean Associations in India with the support of the Embassy of Korea. I consider this as a big lifetime opportunity,” said Dr. Punde.
The event would witness participation of Korean and Indian golfers including senior diplomats, corporate & industry captains, and industrialists. Ambassador Chang Jae-bok, the Republic of Korea to India also would be playing in this grand event.